Vitaflo’s 1st Glycogen Storage Disease conference, Manchester, 15th May 2024
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Foekje de Boer, Metabolic dietitian from UMC, Netherlands discusses a variety of case studies using Glycosade in young children.
Foekje de Boer
Metabolic dietitian , Beatrix Children's hospital, UMC Groningen, Netherlands
Access all the recordings from Vitaflo’s 1st Glycogen Storage Disease conference
PKU - Infants
PKU - Children
PKU - Adolescents and Adults
Maternal PKU
Rare Disorders of Protein Metabolism
Lipid Disorders
Glycogen Storage Disease
Drug Resistant Epilepsy - Ketogenic Diet
Drug Resistant Epilepsy - K.Vita
Kidney Disease - Paediatric
Kidney Disease – Adults
Nutrition Support