11th International Paediatric Renal Nutrition Conference | Event

Wednesday 25th October 2023 and Thursday 26th October 2023

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Day 1 Wednesday 25th October 2023

Theme: Clinical practice recommendations from the Paediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce

Theme: Weight management and CKD

Day 2 Thursday 26th October 2023

Theme: Diet quality

  • ▶️ Diet quality of children with CKD: What do we know? - Kelly Lambert, Australia
  • Diet quality of children with CKD: How do Australian children compare? - Rachel Lindeback & Renee le Jambre, Australia
  • Rethinking paediatric renal diet education - Sheridan Collins, Australia

Theme: Early intervention and phosphate management

Theme: Busting myths

Theme: The role of other healthcare professionals in the management of paediatric kidney disease
