A case study showcasing the use of Pro-Cal shot a high energy, low volume oral nutritional supplement during chemotherapy for treatment of Upper Gastro-Intestinal (UGI) Cancer.
The patient was a 68 year old female diagnosed with Metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lower 1/3 of oesophagus.
Lost husband and daughter to cancer.
Pro-Cal shot is a Food for Special Medical Purposes
Medical: Cerebrovascular accident, hypertension, hiatus hernia & atrial fibrillation.
Surgical: Transhiatal oesophagectomy (2014) without adjuvant chemotherapy, bypass for recurrent small bowel disease (2015).
Results of tests/investigations: CT scan following 4 cycles of palliative chemotherapy – no evidence of bowel obstruction or peritoneal disease for a further 2 cycles.
Medications: Unknown.
Reason for referral: Dietetic referral as standard for UGI cancer undergoing oncological treatment.
🟥 Pre-Assessment
🟩 Initial Assessment
🟪 Follow Up
29% between Nov 2014 and Nov 2015
Bloods: ↓Hb but Na+, K+, PO4- Urea, Creatinine, Corrected Calcium all within normal range. Checked in November 2015, February and March 2016.
Unplanned weight loss of 29% over 1 year, due to oesophagectomy-related dietary restrictions:
In addition to poor appetite and occasional nausea due to chemotherapy.
Patient had minimal concern over weight loss as now a healthy BMI (previously obese). Appetite and oral intake significantly reduced following surgery and due to side effects of chemotherapy. Estimated oral intake: 1000kcals & 40g protein.
Energy: (10.2 x 53.1kg + 572) x (PAL 1.4) + (0-20% SF) = 1559kcals-1782kcals (Henry, 2005).
Protein: (0.17-0.2g) x 53.1kg x 6.25 = 56-66g (ASPEN, 2002).
Fluid: 30 x 53.1kg = 1593mls
Neutral powdered supplement made up with whole milk od + low volume lipid emulsion mixed in glass of milk tds was recommended to improve nutritional status and prevent further weight loss.
Patient tried but disliked ready-to-drink milkshake-style oral nutritional supplement (ONS) following surgery.
Pre-1st chemotherapy cycle: patient disliked neutral powdered supplements and preferred to take lipid emulsion mixed with lemon curd tds.
During 1st chemotherapy cycle: lipid emulsion poorly tolerated (taken od only).
Pre-cycle 4: prescribed strawberry Procal shot® 40ml tds.
Pre-cycle 6: increased Pro-Cal shot to 6 x 40ml shots/day.
Dietary difficulties continue but following advice and taking Pro-Cal shot 40ml tds.
Patient completed 6 cycles of chemotherapy and showed no evidence of peritoneal disease.
Compliance & tolerance: Complied with recommended amount of Pro-Cal shot (6 x 40ml) and tolerated well throughout chemotherapy.
Ongoing monitoring: Nutritional status and weight maintained with current advice.
Manufacturers typical dose (4 x 30ml/day) not the maximum dose all patients' can manage/tolerate.