A practical guide to the use of Lipistart in the dietary management of long chain fatty acid oxidation disorders
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A guide to the introduction and usage of Lipistart, a high-MCT, low-LCT formula, at different developmental stages in early childhood.
Vitaflo Dietitians
Collaboration with Marjorie Dixon
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK
Collaboration with Rachel Skeath
Collaboration with Anne Daly
Birmingham Children's Hospital, Birmingham, UK.
Collaboration with Rachel Hoban
Collaboration with Anita MacDonald
Birmingham Children's Hospital, Birmingham, UK
PKU - Infants
PKU - Children
PKU - Adolescents and Adults
Maternal PKU
Rare Disorders of Protein Metabolism
Lipid Disorders
Glycogen Storage Disease
Drug Resistant Epilepsy - Ketogenic Diet
Drug Resistant Epilepsy - K.Vita
Kidney Disease - Paediatric
Kidney Disease – Adults
Nutrition Support